A Box of Kenny

Full of things I do and memories.

Malaysia Again After 6 Years

I finally got to go back to Malaysia after 6 years. Things seemed so different from last time but yet feel familiar. The first thing I felt when exiting the airport is the heat. Malaysia is located right on the equator. Therefore the only season the whole year is summer. It is always around 80F or 28C. The weather is also unpredictable. It can rain all of the sudden, without any warning.

Flour Soup

In this trip, I got to meet a lot of relatives that I didn’t see for a long time. There are a lot of new cousins who I didn’t even get to see because they weren’t born 6 years ago. I was also really excited to see my friends from elementary school. We met multiple times for movies, food, or just to talk.

There are so much delicious food in Malaysia. I tried to have as much unique food there as possible. There are chicken rice, radish cake, veggie bun, milo ice, bread chicken with curry, flour soup, nasi lemak, etc…

Singpore Eye

I had two sub-trips when I was there. One was to hot spring and waterfall at Kampar with my friends. The other one was a road trip to Singapore. On the way to Singapore, we stopped at Melaka and Johor Bahru. In Singapore, we went to Science Center and Universal Studio. The transformers ride at Universal Studio was really impressive.
